These bags are designed to be simple and stylish. No logo. No shine. Just simple, timeless design.
The Simply Bordeaux Red bag is a bag that leads your mind towards royalty and Haute Couture. With it's deep calm red color, it is a bag with a powerful look yet simple in design.
The Bikezac 2.0 is a eco-friendly foldable bicycle bag that is easily brought along. The bag can be folded up to fill no more than a newspaper and is easily attached with a click-and-go solution rail solution. No installing needed. Just click the Bikezac 2.0 to your luggage rack and go.
The bag, handles and thread is all made from 100% recycled Polypropylene.
Recycled from rice bags collected in Vietnam and recycled in Vietnam.
So grab a Simply Bordeaux Red bag today for that Extra Space on the Go.